The Black Friday Deal you’ve been waiting for!
Get 22% OFF PubGuru University’s most popular courses. Enter the coupon code: CELEBRATE22 at the checkout and master your Ad Ops for less.

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22% Off
Get expert Ad Ops guidance and grow your Ad Ops career with this limited-time Black Friday deal.
Unlock the power of Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager, and Google AdX with PubGuru University
Pubguru Universtiy
Why choose us
Certificate Ready
Earn your certificate upon completion of the final exam and showcase it on your profile!
Ad Ops Community
Get exclusive access to our Ad Ops Community and get supports from professionals as well as your peers.
100% Online
Enjoy the flexibility to learn at your own pace and your choice of time.
Learn from the Experts
Your instructors will be the industry's veterans with 10+ years of experience. You will be guided hand-in-hand to understand the in-and-out of the course.
The course itself is one of a kind on the web at this price. This course made it possible for me to go to my first job interview with more confidence. I passed! I'd definitely recommend this if a friend asked for a course on Google Ad Manager.
PubGuru courses are, frankly speaking, the only ones that truly deserve to be called courses. Thank you for your effort and willingness to share your knowledge with us. This knowledge brings me fewer frustrations and more peace of mind.
Branko Jovanovic
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