Want to learn how high-earning publishers use Google Ad Manager to scale their ad revenue?
In this course, you get an award-winning team of Ad Ops experts to walk you through the best ways to set up your ad inventory. We’ll show you how to master Google Ad Manager and set yourself up for long-term ad revenue growth.
What get inside
What our students say
Course Content
Kean Graham
Kean Graham is the CEO of MonetizeMore, a Google award-winning, Ad Ops pioneer. MonetizeMore is a Google Certified Publishing Partner with 250+ team members around the world. MonetizeMore was conceived in the mountains of Machu Picchu and has since become a leader in helping ad monetized publishers maximize their revenue potential.
Kean Graham - Founder & CEO Monetizemore
Frequently asked questions
1. How is this course different from other providers?
This course is created by a team of Google award-winning Ad Ops experts with 12 years of industry experience. We’ve worked with over 1,000 publishers around the globe and have paid out over $100M to publishers.
2. I’m interested. How do I start?
Please enter your payment information below to get full, unlimited access to the course.
3. If I have questions regarding the course’s content, who can I talk to?
Once you’re enrolled, you can ask our instructors any questions. In addition to this, you can interact with other students in our PubGuru community!
4. Do you issue a certificate once I’m done with the course?
You get a Certificate of Completion when you complete the course. You can use this certificate to grow your career in Ad Ops.
5. How many times can I take the certification test if I failed in my previous attempt?
You have unlimited attempts to pass the test.
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